Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Spanking Scenes In Movies Whats This Movie? High School, Spanking With Bats, Throwing Bowling Ball Through Car Window?

Whats this movie? High school, spanking with bats, throwing bowling ball through car window? - spanking scenes in movies

I have this movie a few years ago, few people, and I do not know the name. These children are new to high school and older children that bats use to hunt them and smell like a ritual from a school. Theres a scene where they're driving round with bats, mailboxes and met a man throws a ball and break the windshield. Sounds?


ღஜ♥FairySweet ♥ஜღ said...

Dazed and Confused, friggin awesome movie

DR W said...

Dazed and Confused.

Al L said...

Dazed and Confused. the man who wrote that the movie actually was sued by some of his colleagues, using the "similarity" to the screen

Rachael in Colorado said...

Dazed and Confused - one of the best films ever, and cast list is impressive! :)

Shane S said...

one of the greatest films of all time. best film music in the world. said...

Yes, Dazed and Confused starring Ben Affleck made the beat

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