Friday, January 29, 2010

Adrenal Gland Or Anxiety Disorder How Does An Anxiety Disorder Cause The Adrenal Glands To Affect The Body?

How does an anxiety disorder cause the adrenal glands to affect the body? - adrenal gland or anxiety disorder

I have an anxiety disorder .... GAD is (generalized anxiety disorder) to panic disorder. If I constantly worry that I have a brain tumor (I am) 14 years old and I will have a stroke at some point, I can have my adrenal glands my body? People in the medical field or experience, please .... Thank you!


REBELLYN... said...

My God, why do you think you have a brain tumor? Ask them to scan the head and put his fears. The answer to your adrenal gland is to fight or flee. You should be surprised or afraid at some point in their lives. the response - increased heart rate, rapid breathing, his eyes widen, and the feeling that you can play in the world. All because of the adrenaline from the adrenal gland.

Nick Z said...

His constant concern, the effects on brain function and brain function is the function of his room, and turn on the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus acts as a regulator for the release of various hormones. Some of these hormones, particularly epinephrine (adrenaline) is produced by the glands. If an error checks in the hypothalamus, affecting most of your endocrine system, adrenal glands can) tachycardia (rapid heartbeat, cause that lead to strokes as possible, and heart failure at worst. However, could the TAG, if the research is a genetic disease are treated with various drugs. Usually runs in the female part of the family, which means that even his mother can have. Ask your doctor or endocrinologist to give you to get more information.

Pradip K said...

Anxiety Disorder is a medical condition.

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