Monday, January 18, 2010

Wood Bird Toys What Does It Meanif My Bird Is Eating Wood And Her Cage?

What does it meanif my bird is eating wood and her cage? - wood bird toys

My bird is chewing on his cage and now accounts for about a month, she is 9 and has never been done before. Water obtained from food and chew toys. I can not allow because it keeps chewing up order. Help please?


spikey_b... said...

Nymphs chew things like that in their nature. My cockatoo age of 2 months has already passed through two arches. As I said earlier, all birds of gum to help their beaks healthy. But since I only just chew things, take him to the vet for an exam. This will eliminate potential problems and ensure that it remains healthy. Apart from that, I recommend some new plastic toys (if he succeeds, a piece of metal can be toxic to bite) and a balanced diet such as apples, broccoli, peas and corn. Never give your lawyer, it is toxic to birds. For more information on feeding, ask a vet.

elynndc said...

What kind of bird is that?
How big is your cage?
Women chew for nesting, it is natural for them. You should start to get to the vet, and annual visits and blood work. When the wings are cut off, they have it.
Allow some time under the supervision of a fitness game that can out of his cage, is not really good for them in the cage the whole time.

You also need a lot of variety in their diet, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain products.

You can also change on the toy, it can be boring.

Savery said...

I assume that your parrot is a bird.

Parrots have a natural need to chew - especially wood. This is done in the nature of the state and the exercise of his heyday, when breeding behavior. You can buy up to a destructible wooden toys and try to jump to chew on toys.

Chewing is a natural behavior for parrots. You should not try to chew on listening to, but directly to objects acceptable.

Heidi W said...

Something has changed in your environment? Sometimes a bird can change lead to stress and change their behavior. I recommend a good avian vet if all else fails and they have to do some blood tests to make sure everything is okay with him. This can sometimes focus on whether behavioral or medical problem.

T.G & S.G said...

we have two cockatiels, things like chew. One of them, named Tweety chews the woodshed and cuttlebone in his cage. another bird named Smokey like to chew on paper, metal and banana peels. So, in conclusion Cockatoos love to chew on things and also because it helps to sharpen their beaks and stay strong.

joewebb said...

All parrots bite at some point in life.

<3 <3<3<3<3 said...

she wants to leave

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